Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Hey Mr Postman!

I have a nice quiet attic home office where I work most days. The other day I hear the door open and someone starting up the stairs. It was Timmy, coming up unbeknownst to anyone else in the house.

"Daddy, I'm coming up to your Post Office!"

Thursday, December 1, 2016

I know a secret... I know a secret

"Daddy puts chocolate chips on his oatmeal. If you want to hear about that... you have to talk to Daddy."

- Honoria

Monday, August 22, 2016

Admiral Boom Frog

I've always had a complex about how my voice sounded on video, etc. This quote from Dahia doesn't help that complex... even if I was talking through the baby monitor.

Dahlia: "Daddy sounds like a combination of Michigan J. Frog and Admiral Boom over the monitor."

Monday, January 4, 2016

Telling it like it is

"The problem with my flashlight is that it is broken."

- Honoria

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Old fashioned trail mix

Talking about food for our camping trip, Honoria mentioned this idea:
"Mommy, we should make trail mix and put chopped twinkies in it!  We have not had that for a LONG time!!"

I'm pretty sure she didn't even know what a twinkie was.

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Purely Hypothetical

The kids were on a roll asking each other hypothetical questions like, "If you could legally buy a moneymaker for five dollars, would you?"

Then Honoria thought she could get in on the fun too,
"If you saw a store that said "moneymakers," and you went inside, and all they had was tiny airplanes, what would you do?"


Thursday, March 19, 2015

Honoria defines beef cattle

"Do you know what beef cows are? They are a kind of cows with beef inside."

- Honoria