Friday, December 21, 2012

The sky is falling?

We have a train that goes by the house and the kids really like to watch it. One day when it was really foggy, the train was going by and Julia said, "I can't see it cuz the sky is in the way!"

Oh, and one more thing:
 "Bees make apple pie." - Julia

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Julia is disappointed

When I was putting the girls to bed tonight, Julia (3 yrs.) started crying. I asked here what was wrong and she said, "You disappointed me." Not sure what to think of that, I asked how I disappointed her and she responded, "By talking to me." I assured her that I was done talking and she could go to sleep now. That seemed to make her feel much better.

Friday, July 13, 2012

Hold your broken leg this way

Julia can be a pretty funny little girl. Yesterday she said, out of the blue, "I've got a broken leg. This leg is broken because it hurts when I'm walking on it. That's why I have to hold it like this."

Friday, February 10, 2012

Mail man awkwardness

The FEDEX man rang the doorbell and Mindy went to to door holding Honoria, followed by Joey and Dahlia. When Mindy opened the door, she heard Dahlia say, "Hi, cutey pie!"

It took Mindy a second to register, and there was an awkward pause. Then Mindy said to Dahlia, "Heh heh, you were talking to the baby, right?" (which of course she was). The guy chuckled, handed Mindy the package and moved on.